年度 2012
全部作者 陳志輝
論文名稱 身分犯之正犯的認定——以德國義務犯理論為中心
期刊名稱 法學評論, 130,331-418頁
摘要 身分犯的正犯,原則上只限定於具備特定身分資格之人。但是透過我國刑法第31條第1項的規定,將身分犯的正犯擴及至不具身分資格之人,此種擴張是否具有正當性,本文將從立法史的角度進行分析,並整理相關支持此項擬制正犯規定的見解。此外,既然不具身分資格之人無論如何都無法成立身分犯之正犯,這代表無身分資格之人與有身分資格之人在不法內涵上有所區別,因此本文嘗試從德文文獻中嘗試找出身分犯的實質不法內涵,評析各種解決方案,確立身分犯的實質不法內涵應以何種標準來確立。
The offenders of Crimes demanding the perpetrator’s special Status are in principle limited to persons who have the specific identity or qualification. However, according to Article 31, section 1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of China, perpetrators, who take part in the commission of the offense, which has been established on the basis of personal or other special relationship due to one of the perpetrators’\r special status, shall be considered as principal offenders, even including the ones without special status. This means, the designation of a principal offender could be expanded to a person without special status. Is this expansion justified? This thesis tries to analyze Article 31, section 1 of the Criminal Code from the view of legislative history and the arguments in favor of its justification. In addition, any extraneous person should never be classified as the principal offender of Crimes demanding the perpetrator’s special Status. It means that there exists an essential distinction in the illegal connotation between perpetrators with or without special status. Therefore, this thesis attempts to find out the substantive illegal connotation of Crimes demanding the perpetrator’s special Status and evaluate various possible solutions in order to elaborate which kind of standards could be built up for the substantive illegal connotation of Crimes demanding the perpetrator’s special Status.
語言 中文