年度 2010
全部作者 李聖傑
論文名稱 刑法第二二二條第一項第一款「二人以上共同犯之」之適用思考
期刊名稱 法學評論 , 115 , 1-54
摘要 刑法第二二二條第一項第一款「二人以上共同犯之」的行為樣態,不論是在實務應用或學說的釋義,都還存在著相當的爭議。相對於學說對於規範適用的不同闡釋主張,就相關實務判決的分析呈現上,最高法院顯然傾向以行為人是否有「二人以上共同參與」的文義認定,作為規範適用的主要判斷標準。從罪質加以觀察,刑法第二二二條第一項第一款之複行為人強制性交罪,為必要共同正犯之聚合犯。然而所謂必要共同正犯的罪質,不能只是來自於刑法的文義規定,更應該有其犯罪型態所必須具備的行為模式。本文因此在整理近來最高法院的相關判決後,先以經過簡化的案例事實,介紹我國實務對於刑法第二二二條「二人以上共同犯之」的應用立場。其次再利用刑法各種解釋方法,探求該規範合理的應用空間。本文並且考量性自主法益的特殊價值,論述刑法第二二二條第一項第一款之行為類型的罪質,希望能因此釐清我國刑法第二二二條第一項第一款在實務應用的疑義。
How does one interpret “more than two individual committing a crime” in section 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 222 of the Criminal Law has been hotly debated in theory and practice. The Supreme Court, in contrast to the theoretical interpretations, is obviously in favor of focusing on the literal meaning of the Article to see whether the crime is committed by more than two individuals. However, if we look into the nature of violent sexual offences, group offenders, a type of the necessary joint principles, can better meet the requirements of section 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 222.This essay will review recent decisions made by the Supreme Court, and, based on the interpretive methods of criminal law, analyze how the clause “more than two perpetrators committing a crime” of Article 222 is applied in practice. The value of self-determination involving sexual activities will also be discussed in this essay to clarify the meaning of section 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 222. In short, this essay aims to provide a new way examine the aforementioned debate.
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