Year 2011
Authors Chien-Wei Wang
Issue.No 121
Page(s) 1-52
Abstract 所謂「為清償之給付」,乃係債權人受領一不合原定債之本旨之給付,經給付者與債權人間之合意,藉由債權人取得就該給付之變價而生之利益,進而發生債務清償之效力。債務人以及債權人皆無提出或接受為清償之給付之法定義務,所以為清償之給付亦須藉由給付者與債權人間締結為清償之給付之契約始得成立。並且,在此等為清償之給付之契約中,原則上即賦予債權人就他種給付有變價權以及變價義務,因而令債權人與給付者間形成一類似委任之關係,進而債權人若因過失違反其變價義務或所衍生之附隨義務時,應對給付者負擔損害賠償責任。此外,在為清償之給付之契約下,債權人就他種給付固負有變價義務,因此他種給付之提出,即有令債務人拒絕履行原定債務之可能性,至於原定債務給付遲延效果之發生或擴大是否因他種給付之提出而遭阻卻,乃屬別一問題。
The so-called payment for the purpose of discharge is a type of payment received by creditor with intent other than the original one of debt, which, upon agreement between claimant and creditor, will be deemed as discharge of debt after creditor’s acceptance of the benefit resulting from variation. Neither debtor nor creditor has statutory obli-gation to propose or accept the payment for the purpose of discharge, therefore, such payment can only be established on the basis of the con-tract between claimant and creditor therefore. In addition, creditor will, in principle, have the right and obligation of variation on other claims in accordance with the contract in respective of the payment for the purpose of discharge. And a relationship akin to commission will be established between creditor and claimant, in which if creditor, due to negligence, fails to perform the variation obligation or its derivative obligation(s), he should bear liability to pay compensation to claimant for the damages thus incurred. Besides, under the contract concerning such payment, creditor has variation obligation on other claims, so the institution of other claims will grant debtor a possible right to refuse to perform the original debt. However, it will be a different issue whether ornot the original debt of a delay in payment, or its further duration can be eliminated on the ground of the institution of other claims.
Language Chinese