Year 2017
Authors Chien-Wei Wang
Issue.No 271
Page(s) 28-38
Abstract 不動產借名登記契約雖屬債權契約,然而卻隱然影響了一定的物權關係,所以,在不動產借名登記下,首先所要確立者,乃係標的物所有權之歸屬。並且,經由不動產借名登記,可能導致所有權與登記名義分離之結果,因而究由借名人或出名人行使民法第七六七條所定之物上請求權,亦有待釐清。
The contract of borrowing other’s name for real estate registration, despite being a contract, still affects certain juristic acts of real rights. Therefore, regarding such registrations, we have to first ascertain the attribution of subject matter’s ownership. Moreover, real ownership may be separated from the registration accordingly. It is also worth noting whether the party who borrows the name or the party whose name is borrowed can exercise the right under the Article 767 of the Civil Code.
Language Chinese