Year 2015
Authors Ju-Yuan Hsieh
Abstract 日本於2013年6月19日通過刑法修正案及毒品相關特別法,增訂了「刑之一部分緩予執行」制度,並預定於公布後3年內開始施行。機構處遇此制度允許法官在審判階段即決定實際執行與緩予執行的刑度,,有別於日本及我國向來的假釋、緩刑及保護管束相關規定,制度內容在我國也尚屬陌生。本文除介紹該制度制訂的背景與內容、及在日本所引起的爭議之外,也試圖從刑事政策的觀點進一步分析其意義與可能的影響。本文認為,有關這個新制度的各種言論,從原先強調機構處遇與社會內處遇的銜接,轉變成強調監督(監控)對預防再犯的重要性(也就是窄化了社會內處遇的內涵),並且在制度設計(尤其是對象的設定)上也顯示了上述的傾向,使得該制度在尚未施行前就面臨變質與嚴罰化的潛在危機;另一方面,隨著這個制度的施行,使得更生保護的措施有機會推進、落實,看似為本制度的正面效益,不過,這個正面效益卻可能以犧牲假釋制度的改革為代價。在正式施行後,這個制度實際上將發揮何種作用,有很大一部分依法院實務運作狀況而定,值得今後進一步追蹤檢討。而對於制裁方式較為多樣化的我國而言,重點與其放在應否制訂類似制度,更重要的毋寧是檢討其制定過程中的各種爭議、以及其背後所顯示的刑事政策的價值選擇。
This article first introduces the background and the contents of the partly suspended sentence system in Japan, and then demonstrates how the scholars and experts discuss this new policy. Afterwards, it analyzes the meanings and the possible influences in the whole criminal justice system from the perspective of the criminal policy. This article not only finds the discourses about the new policy, but also points out the system’s emphasis on the importance of linking institutionalized treatment with community treatment to accentuate how to impose just deserts, as the intellectuals see this system as a kind of intermediate sanction. This leads the system to have a potential hazard of deterioration and severer punishment. On the other hand, the aftercare system might show further improvement and an increase in popularity by the enforcement of this policy. However, the positive effect of this system is at the cost of abandoning any attempt to reform the parole system. Furthermore, what role this new system may play in the criminal system will depend mostly on the court. In conclusion, the most important implication for Taiwan, where the criminal system displays more of a variety in sanctions compare to Japan, are those controversies which exists in the process of discussion, and the choice of criminal values invoked by this system, not whether we should adopt a similar system or not.
Language Chinese